Monday, February 21, 2011


Four Americans sailing on a yacht off the coast of Oman have been taken hostage by Somali pirates, an international maritime watchdog says. (BBC News)  It used to be that cargo ships were targeted.  Now many private yachts are also being pirated.  Jean and Scott Adam, the yacht's owners, have been sailing it around the world since 2002, according to their website.

A sailing group of Americans had split off on their own in the Indian Ocean. CNN writes: " Owners Jean and Scott Adam and two other people on board, Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle, had been traveling with yachts participating in the Blue Water Rally since their departure from Phuket, Thailand, the rally group said Sunday in a statement on its website. But they broke off on February 15 after leaving Mumbai, India, to take a different route, the group said"

Just think, we voted in a group of legislators who think our most pressing problem is how to remove the right to have a legal abortion!  However, their greatest priority is to keep the rich in enough money by giving them tax breaks.  They don't have any problems with middle class not having food on their tables.  I guess it all boils down to the law of averages and randomization of bad luck, does it? 

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