Monday, March 14, 2011


I'm drawn to comparisons and when things are done to my house, I take before and after least most of the time.  Had I not done that, I would not have noticed that workmen stole about twenty cobblestones and claimed they were under the debris.

Today, we have satellite pictures of the before and after of the tsunami taken from satellite.  Man is extremely resilient.  In a few years, Japan will have rebuilt just as Californians keep building their houses on hills that keep having mudslides or forest fires destroy them.  If before and after pictures were posted prominently in some of those areas, it would probably still not stop people from living and constructing their material lives in such insecure spaces.

Protest marches are 'before' pictures.  In Egypt, the 'after' pictures were happy.  Not so in Libya where Qaddafi has hired mercenaries and is killing his own people who are protesting.

We record so much before and after as we age, diet, change hairstyles and clothing, friends, and, most importantly, clean up after Nature has decided to visit us with disasters....hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes,  tsunamis, monsoons, lightning strikes, volcanoes, and all the other things that intrude into our lives.

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