Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Question frequently being asked is, "If the government shuts down, who is to blame?"  Who teaches them journalism.  If a finger of blame is pointed it does nothing to help with the issue of a shut down government and conveniently moves the focus to a non-relevant topic.

Sadly, the Tea Party is holding the government hostage and will do the same kind of witless damage to many lives that the 'Alleged' man of God, Pastor Jones did when he burned the Koran.  The Tea Partiers are as yet so inexperienced with the real working of this country and are as knowledgeable as your average fifteen  year old.  Mpte that IO say your average, not all fifteen year olds, mince those above average can probably reason circles around them and probably know their American history and mid-East geography better than the newly elected representatives seem to know.

Kent Conrad, Senate Budget Chair is surprisingly encouraging.  I an article written by Roger Hickey, he quotes Conrad :  ""Representative Ryan's proposal is partisan and ideological. He provides dramatic tax cuts for the wealthiest, financed by draconian reductions in Medicare and Medicaid. His proposals are unreasonable and unsustainable.

"His plan is most troubling because it lacks balance. A balanced long-term deficit reduction plan would include discretionary spending cuts, including defense; entitlement changes; and tax reform that simplifies the tax code, lowers rates, and raises revenue. That is what the president's bipartisan Fiscal Commission proposed. Representative Ryan's plan, on the other hand, fails to include savings in defense and actually reduces revenue. The result is that his plan relies on deep cuts in the safety net for seniors, children, and other vulnerable populations, as well as deep cuts in critical areas like education, which are needed to promote long-term economic growth."  For the whole article, click here.

The countdown is on.  Will enough of our citizens see through the rhetoric and realize that 98% will be hurt while 2% will benefit at the expense of the integrity of the country..

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