Sunday, October 30, 2011


I've decided more people tend to see things at each of the polar extremes than in the middle.  Too many look for the person who is at 'fault' as though it is a solution.  As Bush used to say, being one who could not see shades of gray, "You're either with me or against me.'

Even analogies used don't make sense if you think about them..  On the Bill Maher Show (10/28/11) his guest was Grover Norquist.who gave a super simplistic explanation comparing spending government money to taking a pail of water out of a lake, using it, then pouring it back into the lake. Nothing is changed. The water in the lake remains the same. Of course, with money which  gets used to create jobs, save lives, repair infrastructure, more is gained than amount used.  Norquist either thinks everyone is stupid or has convinced people (at least those he has signed to his pledge).he is the one who best knows economics in the country..

If you are not convinced just how easy it is to lie and hook people no matter what lies are spread, you simply need to watch the statistics and poll numbers waltzing around after the debates and candidates speeches with all the blatant lies that are told. Candidates who cannot even be consistent about their goals, who change them constantly depending on the audience response.  You can follow Rush Limbaugh and check his facts, or, for that matter, check facts from Fox News to see how quickly people believe lies.

It amazes me that our next President, the leader of our country, might be someone totally unqualified because the masses like him cooking hamburgers in the back yard and drinking beer, or because he seems to be the best choice of the litter.  That Rick Perry has asked to see Barack Obama's grades is shocking.  He clearly does not understand the Harvard Law School expectations of the person to head the Law Review. Wikipedia writes that he graduated 'magna cum laude', meaning with great honors.  That a candidate running against a sitting president has so littler of substance to say that he asks for grades of the sitting president that were obtained many years ago and can easily be found online, is beyond ludicrous to me.

Is it any wonder that the middle class is revolting...peacefully now, but will they remain peaceful in face of police brutality and infiltrators causing the public to believe they are a legitimate part of the movement an protest when they are not.  Whom can you trust when you no longer believe there is a God taking care of us?

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