Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It is not easy for me to ignore being asked to participate in a poll. Thus when asked to do one about Obama, I clicked and got on the Internet page. I went to it and found it to be questionable as to whether it was a legitimate poll.  It reminded me too much of corporate phone mazes designed to get you to spend money or be totally confused.  Just as the telephone robots never ask the questions you want answered....namely , "How do I get to talk to a real, live, human who .might understand my question?"

Below is the questionnaire I could not fill out as I didn't like any of the choices.
 The questions do not strike me as allowing the responder to adequately answer. For example, I was unaware that Obama has a plan to give 12 million illegal aliens amnesty.  Since very few voters have seen or read all of Obama's healthcare plan, the question to repeal it in entirety, some of it or none of it also seems loaded.  While I support Obama, I did not answer this poll and wonder if it was actually put out by someone wanting real answers of support to Obama or they are questions to fool the responder into thinking that these are Obama positions.  If so, it seems like 'dirty pool' to me.

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