Sunday, December 25, 2011


 Hoping that your Christmas is memorable and happy with friends and family and followed by a wonderful 2012.

Christmas may mean happy memories to people of their childhood, parents, and a safe and happy time in families.  Those people look to hold onto those nice feelings.  If it means sadness and never having been loved or given to, people try to make Christmas into something it had never before been for them.  Channukah is very similar in activity to Christmas though the history and symbolism are totally different.  It is a time of tradition, family closeness and gift giving.

Atheists celebrate Christmas as a time when work stops, days are free to meet with family and friends, to make people happy with gifts that show thoughtfulness and love.  (That it makes merchants happy for other reasons is allowable.)  When the economy is busier, taxes are raised, town and state budgets allow people more services, the government gets more revenue and infrastructure is renewed and kept up.  (Well, it used to be...)  When Teapartiers cry that $40 for a person is nothing, they make the error of assuming that it is only one $40 and not the whole community with $40 spent by hundreds of people whose influence is felt widely.

Have we forgotten the stories from our past?  The Gift of the Magi, The Little Match Girl, what happened to our inspirational stories?  They have been taken over by ad men who aren't always truthful and the spirit has been lost for persuasive and commercial reasons.  Let us bring back or hold onto what we wish our lives to be.

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