Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Christopher Hitchens
Steve Jobs
Natural law tells us 'You win some; you lose some.'.  Among the gains and losses, all of which must be seen as relative, We have recently lost Steve Jobs and Christopher Hitchens.  Both creative in their own way.  Jobs in the ingenuity behind Apple and Mac computers and all the peripheral products.Christopher Hitchens for his insightful writing and his justification for thinking as an Atheist, which may be a far more popular view in our world than any religious leaders would have us think.

Michelle Bachman initially barely won the Iowa primary.  Not too far behind her, which most media glossed over, was Ron Paul who is currently coming up in the polls and seems quite competitive to win the primary in Iowa.  The Republican candidates have all been up and then down in the polls.  Count these as swift gains and losses.

Biggest and most significant loss, our Democracy and the democratic process.  Our Washington governing is critically ill.  The virus killing it may be called 'Republican politicians' whose single purpose is to make Obama a one-term president at the the expense of the poorest people in our country, stunting the mental and physical growth of our young, the hope of our future.There are too many gains and losses to list here today.  A list of the lies being told by our candidates might be a more important priority, in fact.  At least it would be a first in any presidential campaign, would it not?  Next a list of lies perpetuated by some in media, especially those pretty, brainless blondes who think that Pepper Spray is harmless because it is made from a natural product, pepper.

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