Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The different conclusions people can draw from the same data always amazes me.  If one looks at the voter maker-up of Iowa, the millions spent to get people to vote for a specific candidate, and how-in-the-world any of this can relate to the National elections is beyond me totally.

In the event you have not turned your TV on for several weeks, have been hibernating in a  cave since November, or spending your time giving your self a visual colonoscopy, you need to know the unique qualities of voters in Iowa.  In this case the unique refers to unique for Iowa only.  There are few states who have so little relevance to the entire country.

The exclusive school for Presidential candidates only requires that they all claim to be sure that they will be the next pre4sident, do not look at polls, and know they are more qualified than any other candidate, especially Obama. Logically, since each says the same thing, that suggests they are in denial, having a weird delusion, or are just liars, Obviously they all can't win and a very real question is whether any of them should.

The fact that Iowa chose Huckabee in 2008 should tell us an important bit of information about the political intelligence of the voters there.  It seems they vote for a single issue that touches them and little else matters in terms of what the actual job of President of the United States requires, in fact demands. That The Daily Show chose to talk sports while the vote was going on and MSNBC had all the 'Bigus Dickuses' on camera, as Monty Python might have said, is also a sign of the importance (or lack as it seems more likely ) of the  coverage of the Iowa Caucus and its voting.

Just think of how we can look forward to this happening in all the rest of the states that vote in this ridiculous fashion.

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