Friday, January 27, 2012


Even BBC saw the obvious tonight.  It was Romney at his best.  I'm not ready for a Romney presidency, I disagree with a lot of what he says, but it did my heart good to see him put some holes in Gingrich's sails.  Later, on the Lawrence O'Donnell show, listening to Elizabeth Warren spoke more of her just plain good sense, clearly articulated with her characteristic enthusiasm.  She contrasted what Romney is saying about his business and the small business owners.

For once, Obama was only slightly criticized as most of the reciprocal spitball throwing was  between Romney and Gingrich with Santorum getting an occasional pat top his own back while lobbing a few 'facts' back at the others.

Wolf Blitzer did an excellent job moderating without being a part of a team.  He actually kept them on task and the questions from the audience were good ones.  I felt sorry for the woman who said she was out of a job and, thus, unable to pay for health insurance and asked for suggestions.  None of the gentlemen offered anything useful other than sympathy and implying they would fix her problem if the one speaking at the time got elected.  To the Palestinian-American who asked whether they felt any support o the Palestinians,, all he got was a justification for why America will support Israel forever.

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