Wednesday, March 14, 2012


An article on BBC news from the UK suggests that the Metropolitan Police are considering using CS gas to stop rioters.  It is one of the more 'assertive' ways, they think, to deal with the problem.

Since CS gas was not something with which I was familiar, I used Google.  To see what the military troops were put through testing it, please click here

There are many tools for breaking up riots.  The first step is to determine whether a protest in non-violent among unarmed marchers to make a statement.  It seems that it is not always clear to those who either do not believe in the right to free speech in a non-violent protest march (see this in Russia 3/1/2012) 

As in Tiananmen Square in 1989, massacre is another choice though a democracy would not consider it the best choice.. We have seen pepper spray, rubber bullets, tear gas, brutality, and so many more attempts to control crowds.  It will always be a question whether there is, indeed, a riot or whether it is 'preventive' action so that there won't be one.  Whichever it is, it is a term which should be analyzed carefully when it is used.

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