Sunday, March 11, 2012


Not really being a movie fan nor a regular viewing of such shows as actors playing the part of real people, I decided to watch Game Change, having lived through it all four years ago.  It was amazing what a wonderful job the writer, production people, and actors did with this subject.  The live news films of the time coupled with the actors was remarkable.  Without doubt, there is an enormous amount of archival film to work from but the techniques used made it real and brought back McCain's run and Sarah Palin's gradual metamorphosis from the naive governor who didn't know anything about running a country, the Constitution, foreign policy, or history to a polished snake oil saleswoman.

"Officials of the ReelzChannel television network say they scheduled a pro-Sarah Palin documentary on the same weekend as HBO's "Game Change" debut strictly for business considerations, not political ones.

"The Undefeated," a Palin documentary by conservative filmmaker Stephen K. Bannon, will have its television premiere on Sunday. It will come 23 hours after HBO opens "Game Change," based on the 2008 campaign book by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, and starring Julianne Moore as Palin."  For the complete article, click here

While the documentary is fascinating, it is frightening to realize how campaigns are run and how taken in so many people are with lies.  What people forget is that campaigns are run by people who are marketing experts.  It is a job, just as any other, with their object to win....regardless of how they may feel about the candidate.  As with many advertisers, truth is not the relevant issue, convincing the public to buy their product is.  I don't mind advertisers talking about their product which I may choose to buy or not.  I may even regret having bought a product but do not have to live with it for four years and It will hardly make a significant impact in my life if I dislike it and never buy it again.  However, a President is certainly not in the group for me.


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