Saturday, August 11, 2012


the new Sarah Palin?
Romney finally got one cheek off the pot.  He has announced Paul Ryan as his running mate.  It is probably the only thing that he has done with the Democrats saying they hope Ryan will be his choice.  It is my understanding that the Paul Ryan budget is a very scary plan for everyone other than the top 1%

Will this choice please Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannitty and those who really count?  Will it please the far right?  Obviously, Grover Norquist will be pleased.  Even the NRA probably has no complaints. 

Nobel prize winning economists have been openly stating that the budget is one of the worst we could have.  We shall see what voting groups this will turn away, if the new voting purges leave anyone to vote

Of note is that there are now five senior Romney advisers traveling with him.  I'll none of the five will get him to become tactful, caring, empathic and Presidential.

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