Monday, August 20, 2012


It is my pleasure on Sunday mornings to watch This Week (ABC) and Meet the Press  (NBC).  What I have observed over time is that those shows should no longer be called journalism.  If there is fact checking, which seems unlikely, people are allowed on those and other similar shows to be  asked back time after time to spew lies.

Why video time is given to people still full of a the fantasy that President Obama  was not born in the US and is not a Christian.  To me, it proves that the media shows are not news shows but cater to the investors who buy add time.  An 8/18 article on OTUS "On the trail he pivots directly from defining his record on Medicare to laying out a withering indictment of Obamacare’s “$716 billion in Medicare cuts”.
Ryan actually endorsed the same cuts in his signature budget plan, the same plan Romney has said he would sign if he became president.
Ryan says he was forced to build his plan on those cuts because they were signed into law and he had to base his plan off of what was already current law. The $716 billion in cuts do not affect benefits for today’s seniors. Instead, they reduce provider reimbursements and curb waste, fraud and abuse."

On August 13, AlterNet wrote an article which asks:  "

Romney's Campaign Strategy: Lie, Lie, and Lie Some More -- Can Democracy Survive with 0% Media Accountability?

"The Romney camp is boldly lying because they are making a calculation that it will work! We better hope it doesn't."

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