Saturday, September 8, 2012


Generations ago all people ate organically.  Many got sick and died.  Today, the question is being asked is organic food really better for you? No one can really answer unless they were cognizant of exactly what the alternative to it a person was eating. Books are being written to warn people not to eat wheat because it is irradiated and genetically altered.  I'm told to lose tummy fat you need to add coconut oil (more fat) to your diet).  I hear people say , "But it is natural!"  So what, natural things are all made up of chemicals.

There is no way to do anything but take issue with the fact that there was a time we could eat raw effs.  We can no longer do that since the conglomerates started raising chickens and feeding them diets they had never had before, in very crowded conditions with no healthy exercise.Rich people can buy better food because they can afford it.  Poor people can not.  When you hear statistics, does it distinguish how many rich people dies as compared to how many poor?  I've never seen that as a criteria in any protocol.

Baylen Linnekin: Baylen J. Linnekin, a lawyer, is executive director of Keep Food Legal, a Washington, D.C. nonprofit that advocates in favor of food freedom—the right to grow, raise, produce, buy, sell, share, cook, eat, and drink the foods of our own choosing.  He wrote an article in Reason Magazine on whether organic food is a waste of money. people  choose to eat without consideration to what they eat and how it will metabolize, nourish them, or taste good but be less than healthful for them, it simply reflects that people should learn to listen to their own bodies.  We were all taught that Eskimos could eat Whale blubber but I certainly could not, having been brought up on a Mediterranean diet.

We've been told to cut down on eggs by our heart doctors and to eat more eggs by our ophthalmologists.  We were told for years to eat oleo margarine instead of butter and today we are told oleo is worse than eating plastic.  If people blindly follow the snake oil salesmen they may not get to where they want to be.  This is a world where people must make their own choices and, in order to do that, they must be cautious, think things through, and if they can't do that they should talk to a nutritionist.  Like everything else, you can't be expert in everything but there are people out there who truly are and they are not the people who write fad diets that are supposed to work for everyone.  I repeat:P  One size does not fit all!

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