Saturday, September 1, 2012


How many times have we heard people say, "Yeah. right!  It will take a blue moon to have it happen."  I never knew what a blue moon was until I could Google it to learn.  A blue moon is when there are two full moons in one month.  Last night we had a blue moon.

Ned Potter wrote about our recent blue moon. "Once in a blue moon, we get a night like this one. If the weather is clear, you will get to see the second full moon of the month or perhaps the fourth full moon of a three-month season -- or maybe an early "betrayer moon" (belewe in Old English) -- or any of half a dozen other definitions that have come up over the last 400 years. At any rate, the full moon of Aug. 31 has been agreed upon, somewhere, as a blue moon, and if you go out after dark, we hope you will enjoy its light.

Sometimes it takes longer to find out the answers to things about which you are curious.  I was in my mid-forties before I found out that not all yellow flowers were dandelions and not all red ones were roses. It is just chance that the Republican National Convention was over the day before we had that unusual natural even.  We had gone through one the day before with the convention.t

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