Tuesday, October 30, 2012


As I write this, I sit in the current warmth of my home, watching Nature having a hissy-fit outside. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. that shoe being the power to go off.  I've charged up my cell phone and 2 iTouch, my camera, and my iPad.  Like a boy scout, I want to BE PREPARED.  In an urban area, sort-of, my toilet will flush (one of the few unautomated appliances in the house).  I have batteries, flashlights, portable radios for when the TV is no longer visible, clean clothes and enough food for a long time, though it may not be what I prefer.  I am on the side of a hill so we have rarely had the high winds other people seem to feel.  We have no great body of water nearby so I do not perceive a flood. 

By the law of averages, the East coast was due for something big because we have been spared for a long time from the disasters much of the rest of the country have had to endure.  However, this seems to be a lot broader than the usual glide up the coast past hurricanes have taken.  I don't believe I have ever seen a storm here that is 500-800 miles wide. 

There is no way to prepare further.  Like the third little piggy, my house is made of brick and the 'wolf' is huffing an  puffing out there has never, even in worst storms, succeeding in 'blowing the house down'.  My lap went out but the computer and TV stayed on.  That was strange.  I pushed the button and the lamp came back on.  I suspect we endured a power drop which makes me think it is time to stop writing on the computer.  Having just talked to a neighbor on the phone who had gone to Arizona for a few months, I listened to her joy at sitting in the sun in her yard,  Life is full of contrast.  We have snow storms while others sun bathe in the heat.  Our world has much to offer.  You just have to decide where you want to be at any given time.

It is time for me to stop writing and wait for whatever will happen.  I'll let you know later how it fares in this hurricane.

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