Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Romney and Obama duke it out at debate but both manage to stay in ring.  Fox News staff thought that the debate was pretty much a draw.  MSNBC thought Obama won hands down.  Only voting will tell whether the debate made any effect on the ultimate voting pattern.  

Romney seemed tired and confused after a few questions.  He was as vague as always and rarely answered a question or stayed on topic.  He sounded if someone pulled the string and he would parrot what he had been taught to say on a subject, or if he couldn't get close to the subject, any campaign speech which seemed to have drawn interest in other venues.

BBC News wrote that Obama and Romney were in a spiky debate.  To read the article by Judy Sheerin, click here.  The Google capture of the Fox News summary was quite tame as compared to the on TV comments.  Karl Rove thought it was a tie with the possibility that Romney was a little better than President Obama. To read this capture, click here.  Watch the video.

CNN focused on the fact checking, on the spot, but the moderator who proved Romney was not properly advised  on what he said. 

The poll taken quickly after the debate  looked much better as people were speaking with more renewed faith.  To check out MSNBC, click here.

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