Monday, October 1, 2012


An entire hobbit-like village will be built in the archipelago of Stockholm, on the island of Muskö, for people to live in just like the English author J.R.R. Tolkien's character Bilbo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, tours to Hobbiton in New Zealand are being offer tours from Australia and Aickland offer tours too the Hobbit village and movie set from Lord of the Rings. The movie set tour must be lovely.  I'd love to take it if it were a few thousand miles closer.  Here we have much natural beauty and are
fighting those who want to take it and make it their own to get every possible penny available out of it and close it off to the middle class for whom Teddy Roosevelt fought so hard to leave it as a lasting legacy to the citizens.

Tolkien wrote about Middle Earth as a reaction after WWI and industrialization tearing apart England's beauty and natural resources.  Sometimes it is nice to see through the eyes of sadness, that an author can make the cause one to last forever.  We need another Tolkien for today to make us aware of the evil in our world and the beauty and happiness it threatens. 

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