Tuesday, November 6, 2012


If the Republicans like the guy in Pennsylvania , Scott in Florida, and the others who have been brought to court could just stop their cheating, America might even be able to sell itself as a democracy though it certainly has functioned like one for quite a while.  How can anybody with integrity allow themselves to vote for a puppet to represent them since the people running the party won't let anyone else run.  All you had to do was watch the Republican party response to the compliments and thanks that Chris Christie gave to President Obama for the wonderful assistance given to his Sandy stricken state.  He got called down to the Principal's office and chewed out for doing it.  Do we need any mo9re proof that the Republicans are not interested in the people, only in their wining at any cost.  They would let homeless, mourning, broken people suffer like animals in a struggle for life rather than work in a pleasant bipartisan fashion.  How much more do they need to see?

It forced Gov. Christie to defend, verbally, his support for Romney even though he could appreciate the help the President and FEMA gave his citizen's on crisis in the state.  He should never have had to defend hist honest response if the Republicans were capable of working in a bipartisan fashion. On Sunday, Gov. Christie defensively said he planned to vote for Gov., Romney, who, he thought, would make a better President even though he admired the leadership President Obama displayed throughout  the need for help in so many forms after Hurricane Sandy. in his state.  (I hope, in the privacy o9f a voting booth, he will be secretly able to vote for the best man and no one need ever know.

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