Tuesday, December 18, 2012


A life is a life.  Whether you are a parent, grandparent or grandchild.  It amazes me that since John Lennon was killed, 930,000 people have been killed by guns.  It further amazes me that the 'Right to Lifers' have not made a sound about death.  The right to life exists after birth not before.  Bringing a life into this world is a choice.  Those who do not wish one have two options;  first is abstinence which goes against every biological urge; the second is contraception so that children are brought into the world to be wanted and loved.  Life is not just a beating heart and a brain that makes waves on a machine.or means death when it is flat-lined.

It is good that the deaths of these young children has touched the hearts of so many.  Gun violence cannot be totally stopped but it can be lessened and the carnage can be minimized if there are no assault weapons made for war.  Wikipedia has an interesting writeup.

Indeed, hand guns have done much damage, but assault weapons have been used for greater carnage in a shorter time. It is time that someone other than the NRA decides how to maintain safety as well as the second amendment.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

Here is an issue that "right to lifers", as well as others, should not remain silent about. Pakistan, a nation smaller than the U.S., has had at least 176 children killed by U.S. drone attacks. Der Spiegel has a heart wrenching account of a soldier who operated these drones remotely, from the safety of a New Mexico Air Force base. He had planned to make a career out of military duty, but dropped out due to PTSD caused by his guilt over the heavy civilian death toll his drones were causing.
See http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/pain-continues-after-war-for-american-drone-pilot-a-872726.html

I wish we could find more men like Brandon Bryant, who has compassion for the lives of those people 6000 miles away from him. We can find such a man in New Mexico. Where can we find such a man in Washington?