Friday, December 21, 2012


Death is the surest way of losing someone we love.  However, dementia is a living death as far as loved ones experience it.  To have a parent ask, "Who are you?" as the mother of a friend asked and then when she was told, "I am your daughter, Mom." the answer to that being, "No you';re not, my daughter had dark hair and yours is white.  You're an impostor!"  Can one hurt much more than that....for either mother or daughter, actually.  

We were protected by the media and have not seen very much of the brain damaged service casualties.  Illness is another loss.  To not a memory of the past means you no longer have the images and emotional memories of another person.  When a person knows they are dying, as in a cancer death, loved ones hurt when they want to hold onto the love they shared for so long.  However, the dying person can give them little as all their own energy is focused on their impending death.

Life is tenuous as it is.  The slaughter at Sandy Hook only reminds us of that fact.  It only makes me angrier that there is so much force and energy being aimed at forcing women to have babies they do not want.  If the pro-lifers could just put more energy into health care and safety  for the living,, they may more easily secure their place in their Heaven.  Once again I may stress my sense of the hypocrisy our politically minded Teapartiers and others who claim to be pro-life do about it.

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