Thursday, January 31, 2013


Wayne La Pierre is a lobbyist for the gun manufacturers.  He does not seem to understand the difference between 'elimination' and 'lowering the likelihood'.  Every life saved is important.  It is clear that not all lives can ever be saved just as we have no control of Nature and weather; as long as handguns are protected by the 2nd amendment it will be so.  Handguns are less likely to do the kind of damage that we are currently seeing.  However, that is only a place to start.  Other factors influence the use of guns.  Our economy ,with the huge pressure on young people without jobs as well as family bread earners without them, is another factor.  Mental health where there are delusions and psychosis are also the cause of perhaps the most heinous of the massacres.

We can also examine the current culture of violence. How many children in the United States have not known us to be always in a war. The history channel has repeated WWII so many times.  Their games are violent.  Movies have shown little but violence to those who wish to see it. We see unfairness in our media.  We see many of our politicians as advocating war far too quickly.  I will never be convinced that Cheney sent us to Iraq for Haliburton's contracts which were just handed out.  We know that the military has, for many generations, been an income producer for many.  We also know that it has cost many lives for which we should, as a country. to be ashamed.

Gun control will not eliminate all gun deaths or suicides.  However, it should make it more difficult for those who are apt to use them for other than self-protection to irresponsibly kill others.   Australia might be a good example for us to study.  Click here. The best country I have read about is Ja[an.  It is against the law to own a gun and subject to imprisonment if you fire one.  Click here

Our manufacturers are running out of wars and countries in which to sell their violence-intended product.  If the gun manufacturers can run their factories like Campbell Soup did many years ago and start to diversify their products to non-violent items, they might not lose their all.. 

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