Friday, January 11, 2013


Chuck Hagel wasin the Senate for twelve years but did not win many friends.  When people like Rush Limbaugh decide who is fit to run for the Republican party, we can be assured that any chosen will not be realists!  However, some things that get done can be undone.  Alan Grayson who had not been re-elected in 2010 has been re-elected on 11-7-12. Click here for details.  With someone like the current Governor in Florida, there was no question he could not have been re-elected last time.  He is a realist, tactful, progressive, sympathetic to the people who are hurting, and is in office for the right reasons.  The Republicans cannot tolerate that.

Another Representative got voted out in Illinois.  He was NOT a realist.  I think he has a thought disorder, in fact, and there is much evidence to that when you YouTube some of his campaign activity. He is Joe Walsh who is advocating that people break the law.  I guess if you don't get your way with your peers in Congress, you advocate it is time for bloodshed every couple of hundred years or so.  Click here.

Knowing myself to be an optimistic person, I see very positive signs of positive change in our country.  Even the most brain-washed people against the Democrats can see that the current Administration is working hard for them and the Democrats are only for themselves.  The Republicans have used religion and other values hypocritically for far too long.  Reality is looking far more appealing that it has in years.May it continue to grow stronger with the coming months.

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