Thursday, March 7, 2013


      It is painful to talk with people who only listen to Fox News.  They are so ill informed and brainwashed.   Many times I have talked about the old media rules that nothing would be stated as fact unless there were three credible sources.  Does anyone know if this rule is no longer being taught in journalism man schools?
     It only lends credibility to conspiracy theories.  Why does the media give so much time to Donald Trump and his birther mantra?  The only a history being self - serving and there is nothing to believe he knows anything about governing this country.  Have TV new' channels prostituted themselves so far that gaining viewers means more than the task for which they were given a media outlet license?
       Maddow spoke on MSNBC about her refusal to talk about the election in 2016.  I share her sentiments because I consider it a waste of my time to listen to people who know as little as I, getting paid to guess with some tone of authority.  Rand Paul, believed to want publicity to further his plan to a a speculation run for the Presidency in 2016, got plenty of the publicity but, I doubt it is the kind of publicity for which he is looking,
        Most people have frown up believing they can trust what they read or hear on radio or see on the TV News.  We must make it clear that they no longer can trust those sources.  How sad.  We can't look up to the church, the police departments, lawyers, corporations, and so many other places.  We now have a President who has worked hard in his life, accomplished much, married well, is a good father, and a wonderful for black and white men and boys.  We have too many people, mostly Republican, who are trying to discredit him.  aHow can we respect any of those people since they threaten too much of our democracy?  Now we need to fear the militias which are very well armed with AKs 


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