Wednesday, October 14, 2009


What in the world can Liz Cheney think she is doing? Is that evil stuff in her genes? So far she seems to be continuing to speak only denigrating remarks about our President. The attempt to brainwash the public into thinking that it was her father's decisions that protected American soil from attack through his Vice Presidency is really rather laughable, if it weren't so troubling that people listen to her. In 1988 she wrote her senior thesis from Colorado College on The Evolution of Presidential War Powers. Is it coincidental that her father never accepted what the Constitution of the United States granted while her father was steering George Bush like a puppet. It is also not surprising that she served in the State Department during the Bush/Cheney reign. Unlike Sarah Palin, this woman knows Washington well and the art of political manipulation. Remember, William Kristol who hasn't made an accurate political prediction yet, thinks Palin/Cheney should be the 2012 Republican ticket.

If there is still sanity among historians, Liz Cheney will go down in history sharing her father's popularity. At his knee, she must have learned the power of spreading fear in her audiences and thus gaining some measure of fealty from them. It is a pity that those who respect her are fringe members of the Republican party.

Read here for a Michael Wolff article Liz Cheney is the New Dick.

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