Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I've been reading a history book for some months now. I only read it when I am waiting, as in doctor's offices, It has taken me four months to read 64 pages of a 207 page book. However, my plan got even further side-tracked when my eyes were dilated by the ophthalmologist's set up staff. I figure that has to be good, though, because it says I don't have to see too many doctors, and at my age that is call for celebration, is it not?

My life is not spent waiting for Godot. At any given time, I have what I want except enough time and energy. (Perhaps patience gets thrown in there, as well) I lose patience when I am wasting time and energy trying to make a call to a service representative. This is how it goes. I dial the number, it rings, and a robot answers. Then the 'if you...press 1'etc., starts. More often than not what I want is not on the menu. When I get to the end of the menu and haven't responded, I frequently have gotten hung up on...not even a weak 'You're call is important to us' has been heard. I dial in again and try pressing '0' (not a given option) but sometimes a secret code to get to a service rep. The test is whether you get a hit or get hung up on again.

However, we all know that the service reps are busy taking their time being screamed at by irate people and not anxious to take the next call, so now we hear, "You're call is important to us and will be answered in the order it was received."

Have you ever noticed that by the time you get to a cashier, somehow all shoppers in the store got there before you and every aisle had a bulging cart filled to overflow with what looks like groceries for the entire neighborhood for a month.

In places where they bring on a new cashier, it is always. "Next in line please" and all of a sudden both lines are longer in front of you than the single one had been before the cashier's arrival. Life just isn't easy out there these days, which underscores why I love to stay home.

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