Thursday, August 19, 2010


It is amazing that 'Fair and Balanced' has been such effective camouflage for the NewsCorp of Fox News kindred.   While Glenn Beck was busy showing charts of contributions to and from the DNC. he simply neglected to mention that News Corp was not mentioning that they had given one million dollars, yes that is $1,000,000.  One can hardly consider that a token donation.  There is also no record of the 'fair and balanced' equal donation to the Democrats. " The contribution from Mr. Murdoch’s News Corporation, which owns Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post and other news outlets, is one of the biggest ever given by a media organization, campaign finance experts said."  The entire article can be read here. 

That money would have been better spent giving it to the servicemen who tonight left Iraq, many of them simply to move to Afghanistan to continue to risk their lives and have some of them die or get maimed.  It sounded so wonderful on MSNBC tonight to hear that all but the 50,000 troops to stay on as peace keepers and teach and train.

Meanwhile, the Fox News channel has a noose around the American people who listen and believe their propaganda.

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