Friday, October 29, 2010


Tonight Lawrence O'Donnell, on his MSNBC show, invited the leaders of five separate groups of the Teapartiers. None claimed leadership roles.  Each said that the Teaparty does not  need leaders, that as a leaderless group they have done very well.  They believe their goals are consistent with one another. They all said they wished for smaller, less intrusive government, and less socialism yet none could readily name a socialist program they would cut.  They all agreed, finally, that subsidies were socialistic but did not readily consider health care and social security as such.  For this observer, it was difficult to muster respect and comfort that these people knew enough to lead the country in a productive direction.

These group leaders were a contrast to the people the media has focused on as representative of the Teaparty's chosen candidates for office.  This group did not sound fanatical, rather confused, naive, and somewhat like a small child who, without any real knowledge,  thinks they can simply solve a hint of sequelae to their actions.

The questions asked by the interviewers. is often as useless as asking, :"What would Jesus do?"  This was not at all what O'Donnell did   It was a show run by a real pro.  He kept his focus and disallowed their spewing rhetoric instead of direct answers to what he asked of them.  Following Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann,
Rachel Maddow, his show, The Last Word, is aptly named.  Welcome to our world which is ready to be brought some reality, truth, balance, and integrity.

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