Saturday, January 7, 2012


The Republican presidential candidates are looking and acting as un-presidentially as anyone could imagine.  BBC News had a headline: Republican rivals' race gets ugly.
This is somewhat amusing as it has been ugly all along. 

The debate circus will continue with the next one this evening. The comedians, who can say what most people think but don't feel comfortable speaking and are delightfully verbal. Many are picked up by MSNBC evening political shows

Al Jazeera writes that US politicians are getting richer despite the recession.  Cliff Schecter writes the question as to whether the XX factor (gender issue) is what forced Michele Bachmann's backers to drop.   It is, perhaps an interesting question as we are seeing so much misogyny in our country today from politicians, but we need also to make the candidate, herself, responsible for presenting as incompetent presidential  material by her many gaffes and her positions that would put us back several years.  She would undo everything Obama has achieved and says she would waterboard detainees (found to be torture and unacceptable by the Geneva convention..

Without question, all candidates make promises that are impossible for them to achieve but are bought by the naive as appealing. The candidates are acting like the children in  Lord of the Flies.  None of them seem to understand the Constitution nor what the majority of American people want and need. 

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