Thursday, September 13, 2012


It is not clear to me what people think is being presidential.  Since half of the people are below average, I assume they think it is a cushy job That even they could do with no preparation or training for the job.

Did Romney think he was presidential when he suggested that we should let the automotive industry just die and go into bankruptcy?.  That may have been the only way he had learned to make money but it hasn't done the country much good.

Do foreign policy blunders count>  He certainly pulled plenty of them at the time of the Olympics and his trip to Europe to act like an Ambassador.He seems to pull gaffs quite frequently.  (from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

4gaff  (noun)  Definition of GAFF1

1, a : something painful or difficult to bear : ordeal —usually used in the phrase stand the gaff; especially : persistent raillery or criticism
b : rough treatment : abuse
2.a : hoax, fraud
b : gimmick, trick
In other words, they are not good moves.  It was not a good move to bet Gov. Perry $10,000 on some small matter of pride during the debate.Talking about his wife's two Cadillacs was not convincing people he understands the common man.  It was not presidential with our current economy and the cost of college tuition to suggest that anyone who wants to go should just go ask their father if they can borrow $20,000.  The 99%  does not usually have that kind of cash available to lend to their kids without borrowing it themselves.There are parents who have mortgaged everything they own to disallow repayment during their lifetime.
It is not presidential to tell voters you will not show your tax records because people will only use the information to attack him.He has not actually been a job creator but has been an excellent money maker for himself.  He has shown nothing but disrespect for President Obama and that, to me, says he does not respect the country since the country voted him in as their leader and it is customary to support the President while in office.

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