Monday, October 8, 2012


With reference to the universe, we about as significant as an atom.  There was a time, probably still is in the Bible, that the earth was everything..Those things that were blinking in the sky were 'stars'; no one had any idea what later turned out to be masses that were different for each.  If people can get beyond the Bible and deal with facts, not fiction, they would learn many things.  Recently I was impressed to learn that the sun is made up of Hydrogen and helium.  Who would have thought.  It isn't a ray gun put out by God to punish bad people by giving them cancer, after all.

Suicide bombers thinking they will be rewarded by Allah in their Heaven with 72 virgins, luckily will never know they were lied to in their virgin-less oblivion. How sad that those who want to get government out of our lives keep bringing more of government into them.  We are not even permitted to end our lives if we choose.  It amuses me.  When people believed in Heaven and Hell that might have held quite a threat.  Today, I dare you to punish me after I'm dead.  First of all, if you do, I won't know it.  Secondly, ...well, I guess there is no secondly.

Why do we say 'living in the past' when those people have 'missed the boat.
  Wopuldm't iot make more sense to speak of it as 'living in the passed'?  After all, we are constantly told 'what goes around comes around.  If you missed it in the past, you cn catch it when it comes around again...or is that only the bad stuff that does that?  I can never keep track.  In today's political campaign, if you listen carefully to both sides of the attack ads, there are no good guys .  Frightening thought, especially as it seems so likely to be true.

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